Thursday, December 15, 2011

ASSIGNMENT # 13 Letter to Santa


Assume the identity of another student in the class and write a two paragraph letter to Santa.

Paragraph 1 - What have "you" been up to all year? Have "you" been naughty or nice?

Paragraph 2 - What would "you" like for Christmas.

Use proper business letter format.Be creative with the return adddress.

Remember, you will read these out to the class on Friday. It's ok to poke fun at people, but keep it appropriate and as Elvis once said,"Don't be cruel."

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Assignment 12 Letter for Your Life

Letter for Your Life

Our class has taken a field trip on a submarine - how cool! Unfortunately, due to mechanical problems, we are trapped on the ocean floor. Rescue is on the way, but there is not enough oxygen for all of us.

There will be enough oxygen, however, if I kill a few of you. It's tragic, but I have no choice. I need to sacrifice a few so that at least some of us can survive.

Your task is to write me a letter that convinces me that you should be chosen as someone who survives. Tell me what you've done in your life or perhaps what you plan to do that makes you special. Be creative - your life depends on it.

You must use perfect business letter format. Print a copy and present it to me. I will read them to the class and decide who live and who dies.

John Doe
123 Green Ave
Penticton, B.C.
V2A 3W1

February 10, 2011

Captain Van Camp
HMS Princess Margaret

O Captain, My Captain:

Insert your plea for mercy here. Minimun 150 words. May be longer!


John Doe